Monday, March 28, 2011

The Tin Man Turns 26

Happy Birthday to me! Although today is my actual birthday the celebrations have been going on all weekend. Saturday was spent doing a little pre-birthday shopping at the mall. Vicky and I had gone to return clothes that we didn't like but a quick stop into Banana Republic proved to be quite dangerous but my wardrobe has improved because of it so all is well. In recent weeks my closet, which I cleaned out and donated a bunch of clothes to the  Vets, is beginning to look as full as it did before I cleaned it out. Our shopping plans were cut a little short because Vicky's sister was in town and her sister's cat went all exorcist o her Mom so Vicky and I had to rush home, corner to crazy kitty and put her in a carrying case so her sister could take her home. The cat got a few good bites on her Mom's leg so she had to go to the ER and get things cleaned up. She is doing well now and recovering nicely lol. There is never a dull moment in that house!

Saturday night was my party at Just Jake's in Montclair and it was so great to see a bunch of my friends and just to clear my mind for a night. A few of my friends even drove up from PA just outside Philly! Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves. I know I did! Yesterday I just relaxed and Vicky and I continued our unfinished shopping by going to Bed, Bath and Beyond which proved to be equally dangerous because I spent far too much money. I got a new garbage can for the kitchen, which I know isn't very exciting news but my Dad has named it R2D2 because he's crazy lol. Last night I went out to dinner at The Cloverleaf with my family. This birthday has a been a little hard on me since it my first one without my Mom but going to the Cloverleaf seemed appropriate because I would always go there with her and it made me feel like she was there with us.

Today I'm taking it easy. My nurse came and changed the dressing for my PICC line and I plan on not doing much of anything else for the rest of the afternoon. Tonight my friends Nicole and Danielle are taking me out to dinner and then I think there might be cake or some sort of dessert.

So all in all it's been a pretty good Birthday. Especially for one that I wasn't really looking forward to. I miss my Mom everyday and especially today but I know she is looking down on me doing everything thing to make my BIrthday Wish of getting a new heart come true as soon as possible. Also, you may have noticed the new look of the blog. I figured with the new age the blog could get a new look.


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